Sitemap - 2024 - Marco Carnelos’ Newsletter

My apologies to all my readers for having sent so many posts in the last hour. I only updated the articles I have been writing in the last two years. Regards to you all. Marco Carnelos

Washington has lost touch with reality. If it doesn't adapt, the world will pay

Giandomenico Picco: The forgotten art of Middle East diplomacy

What is really behind the EU deal with Egypt?

Victoria Nuland: Farewell to the queen of US foreign policy disasters

The West's last gasp of global dominance

War on Gaza: Is Europe finally turning up the heat on Israel?

War on Gaza: Why the US refuses to learn the lessons from history

Dark clouds are gathering over the Red Sea for 2024

War on Gaza: Invoking the Holocaust to justify Israeli war crimes dishonours its victims

Israel-Palestine war: Biden doubles down on deeply flawed US narrative

Israel-Palestine war: Is the US stretched too thin?

Israel-Palestine war: Europe's shameful complicity in Israel's war on Gaza

Israel-Palestine war: Washington has lost the plot

Western foreign policy: 'For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law'

US-China relations: Washington is still haunted by a Cold War mindset

US elections 2024: Prosecuting Trump could backfire spectacularly

Could an expanded Brics make the G20 irrelevant?

US foreign policy: The four moves that could save Washington

Any proposed Saudi-Israel-US deal is a hoax to deny Palestinians their rights

Silvio Berlusconi: The billionaire who radically changed Italian politics

US declares death of neoliberalism and demands new global consensus

US will struggle to get Europe on board the anti-China train

Europe standing up to the US on Taiwan is common sense not heresy

As China embraces Russia, the western narrative needs a rethink

Iraq war: Twenty years on, the US has learned nothing

Saudi-Iran pact: China's diplomatic coup puts US on notice in Middle East

Russia-Ukraine war: One year on, neither side has a clear path to victory

US-China: The balloon saga has been neither side's finest hour

US-China: How to step back from the brink of conflict

US-China: How 2022 saw the old world order start to crumble

Russia-Ukraine war: A conflict of huge miscalculations

Russian resilience, US overconfidence and Chinese calm: The West versus the rest

Russia-Ukraine war: Europe's energy policy is an act of self harm

Opec+ oil cut: The birth pangs of a new world order

How American culture wars and real wars have polarised the world

A new world order will arise from the ashes of US supremacy

Cold War 2.0: Who will shape the new world order?

US-China tensions: Who is the real threat?